Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Drown with me

I-Doser mp3. Thank you whoever for creating this.
Imagine Pink Floyd's Interstellar Overdrive only without anything instruments or effects. Just one single sound that's constantly ringing in your ears for half an hour.
It goes Up and Down. Left and Right. In Circles. Clockwise. Anti-Clockwise. Louder. Softer. Faster. Slower. But it doesn't stop.
It's unusual at first. You're expecting some sort of melody to take over. But it doesn't
Plain. White. Noise.
That's all there is to it.
15 minutes into it I realised I was high. I called up a friend as soon as I realised this.
I'm high right now.
I'm typing.
I reached such a state while listening to it that I told myself, 'Forget music. This is the future.'
I even convinced myself it was true.
Until I started listening to Porcupine Tree.
I'm listening to it while I type.
I'm out of words to describe the kind of high I'm getting right now.
Music has never tasted sweeter.

I read somewhere, The mind is the most beautiful thing to lose.
This is the best way to do so.

Sunday, December 19, 2010

Everyone's claiming to be 'awesome'. Looks like I was wrong. 
I'm not awesome.

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Ohhkayyy I really don't have anything to write about. Again. But I haven't updated my blog in too long and I want to write something...
Ooh! I can't wait till 2011! So many movies are finally releasing! Kung Fu Panda 2, Pirates of the Caribbean 4, Gotham Knights, Rio, Transformers 3, Smurfs, Rango! :D
New Years is in 2 weeks... Don't know what I'm going to do.. But that's okay, there's loads of us who don't know what we're going to do. So we'll do something together. Aimless people stick together. It's what keeps us... from straying away... Or something.
Oo Rang de Basanti is on TV... good movie... Good movie...

3D movies have become a little too popular now.. The fun of watching one has also become less. We're taking it for granted. But that's just how it is. I wanted to watch Saw 3D, but it never managed to release here in India ):
But thats okay, I'm waiting for Pirates of the Caribbean now.. Penelope Cruz!
Trailer looked interesting.

Okay now CID is going on :/

Ooh! Ooh! I started watching Phineas and Ferb!!! It's genius. Everyone with a good sense of humour should watch it. In fact, I recommend everyone studying Media to start watching it. It's crazy. It opens up your mind... Makes you think out of the box.
I can't thank my friend enough for introducing me to this show :P
Perry the Platypus!!! 

Doo Bee Doo Bee Doo Daa Dum Doo Bee Doo Bee Doo Daa!
[It's the theme song for Perry the Platypus. It's awesome]

 It's 5... I wanna sleep. But I've heard it's not good to sleep in the evenings.
I'm going to sleep...
Oh I'm loving this weather!

Sunday, November 28, 2010

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Darkest Night

Today I felt anger, like I've never felt before.
Real anger.
The kind of anger that gives you gory and bloody images in your head.
The kind of anger that makes you want to kill. And by killing I mean literally stabbing someone thirty times till the thirst for mutilating someone has been quenched.
The kind of anger that actually makes you enjoy all this insanity...

I slept today at 3:30 am after doing my last bit of economics. I fell asleep instantly...

Slowly, for some god forsaken reason, I started getting this strange nightmare. I was standing in the middle of a major war. There were guns, there were bombs, and people were dying.

I woke up.

There were LOUD firecrackers being burst very close to my place. And they just weren't stopping. 
I checked the time... It was 5.
It didn't occur to me that time that I had only slept for 1 and a half hours.

Thanks to the crackers, Zephan and Lucy got freaked out and started barking. And when they bark at something like this, there's no stopping them.

Within seconds [while the dynamite crackers were still bursting] I could hear these men singing on microphones. :/
And the singing just became louder and louder.
The crackers continued to burst.
The dogs continues to bark.

It was here that I felt like going on my killing spree.
I was getting gory visuals of me stabbing one of the kids who was bursting the crackers.
And I was enjoying it. 

I guess now I understand the logic behind insomniacs becoming murderers.

I'm just glad I don't own a gun...

Anyway, after precisely seven minutes, I managed to get up from my bed and go to the balcony to see what the heck was bringing out this devil in me.
Mom was there.
I looked down.
It was a parade.
Mom told me, it was Guru Nanak's birthday and that they were celebrating Guru Poornima.

Ironically, I couldn't find the full moon thanks to all the pollution those lovely crackers had caused.

So I saw about a thousand Sardars running around, dancing and enjoying themselves.
And suddenly, all that anger in me subsided and I started to smile.

It was a strangely beautiful sight.

The crackers finally stopped.
The dogs finally hushed.

It was 6 now. I made tea for Mom and Dad and myself... We spoke for a while and I saw the sun rise.


Friday, November 5, 2010


Okay so, I absolutely love my arms and hands. I love how they work for me and I know exactly how to use them.
But what about the times when I don't need to use them?
Have you ever been in situations where you just don't know WHAT the HELL to do with your hands?

It happens to me all the time :/

Suppose I'm having a conversation with someone, we're both standing.
What do I do with them then?

Do I fold them?
That looks like you're not interested. Or it looks like you've blocked yourself.
All in all, it looks like you have better things to do than have that conversation.
So this is ruled out.

Do I put them in my pockets?
The way I see it, it just looks like
a. You're way cooler than the person you're talking to. OR
b. You're unsure about yourself...
So ruled out?

Do I put them behind my back and stand like those typical 'Stand at ease' positions we were taught in school?
Uhmm... no

Do I set my hair? :P
I think, unconsciously, I do this anyway, and I'm trying to stop this habit >.<

Do I bite my nails?
Okay this ones a rhetorical.

Or simply, do I just let them be hanging down my shoulder?
It feels a little awkward doing this though...

Any ideas...?

Thursday, November 4, 2010

" I'll be there for you " ?

You get to know who your close friends are, when you change your birthdate.

I realised one fine day that I have 558 friends on Facebook.
Now where on Earth did I find 558 friends?
So I wanted to clear this mess out.
I needed a way to get myself to know who I can remove from my friend list.
Funny thing is, I only add people or accept requests from people if I've met them. At least once.

So the best way to filter these people out in my opinion was to change my birthdate.

4th of November

All those who wish me. Will be removed.
Excusing a few of course. Like those I've just met within the span of 5 to 6 months... And those who I know won't remember my birthday 'cause they keep forgetting, or I never told them. :P

So out of the I don't know how many people who wished me, I removed 40.
Yayy success! :D

Ohh and it made me so happy when those handful of people remembered my birthday :D

Man I love you all :D

Wow I'm actually going to start celebrating this day from now on... As 'Not a friendships day'.
or something... :/

Oh I also found out something kickass!
If your wall is ever feeling bored and empty. And you feel no one loves you or you feel that no one remembers who you are, JUST CHANGE YOUR BIRTHDAY TO THE NEXT DAY :D
And *POOF*. Your walls the most happening thing on Facebook :D

Oh! And it rained today.
And I made sure I heard November Rain while it was raining outside.

I'm awesome.

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

"Today isn't just another day.

Today, I'll create something beautiful."

Tuesday, November 2, 2010


Yes. However funny as it may sound, I've joined one. Deal with it. -_-

I am now officially one of those robots who pays a bomb to walk on a machine for a long time, and not reach anywhere.

Okay no its not all that bad. In fact, I've started liking working out. I look forward to the next days session...
What I love about it even more, is that now I've started to eat even more than normal. Which is really good. For me. I need to gain 10 kgs. 


Sunday, October 31, 2010

I have a time table.

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday
1300 Keyboard Keyboard Keyboard Keyboard Keyboard Keyboard Keyboard
1400 Keyboard Keyboard Keyboard Keyboard Keyboard Keyboard Keyboard
1500 Gym Gym Keyboard Gym Gym Gym Gym
1700 Economics History Keyboard Economics Economics History Economics
1800 Economics History Keyboard Economics Economics History Economics
1900 Economics History Keyboard     History Economics
2000     Keyboard        
2100     Keyboard        
2200 Sociology Mass Com History History Sociology Computers Mass Com
2300 Sociology Mass Com History History Sociology Computers Mass Com

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Okay I was just about to type something when a bubble here opened saying, 'Check out the New and Improved Preview!'
So excited, I clicked on it!
It really was new and improved! :D

But now I forgot what I was actually about to type...


I have an eco test tomorrow... Or do I?

I do. I don't.
I do. I don't.
I do. I don't.
I do. I don't.
I do. I don't.
I do. I don't.
I do. I don't.

*Pause for tea break*

I do. I don't.
I do. I don't.
I do. I don't.
I do. I don't.
I do. I don't.
I do. I don't.
I do. I don't.

I saw a movie yesterday... It was hopeless. Waste of time. Don't watch it...
I'm not gonna tell you the name of the movie 'cause I want you to end up seeing it someday. And then suffer. SUFFER.
Then you'll wonder, "Was this the movie Mehar was writing about on his blog?"

It probably won't.
There's so many hopeless, pointless movies in this world. So what are the odds?
But then again, it probably could be the same movie.
That's when I sit back and smile like an evil person.

Here, I'll practice now.

*Smiles like an evil person.*


Is it just me, or does the word 'Blog' sound funny.
It does sound funny doesn't it?
Sounds like 'Blob'

And Blob sounds like... Bob...


It's fun to say Bob

Bob's Blob of a Blog

Bob's Blob of a Blog
Bob's Blob of a Blog
Bob's Blob of a Blog
Bob's Blob of a Blog
Bob's Blob of a Blog

I have an eco test tomorrow...

Or do I?

I do. I don't.
I do. I don't.
I do. I don't.
I do. I don't.
I do. I don't.
I do. I don't.
I do. I don't.


Monday, October 25, 2010

If you were a melody...

So a friend told me to write love song. I've tried my best...

Theres a melody behind those eyes

The deeper I stare the music makes me cry

Oh I've drowned in this sweet melody

Your starry eyes have got me hypnotized

Beauty with symphonic existence

Together we form a perfect cadence

And with you my sweet melody

Our music defines the radiance

Oh sweet melody

So gracefully you sway

Oh sweet harmony

So hauntingly far away

The echoes of your bittersweet love

It's creating a high I cannot believe

Oh if you were to be a melody

Your grace would be my musical ecstasy

Someday when the music stops

And our harmonies collide

Someday when our spirits entwine

With days and destiny

That day there'll be you

And that day there'll be me

Oh sweet melody

So gracefully you sway

Oh sweet harmony

So hauntingly far away

You're the grace notes in my opus

The singing breeze under the evening sun

And if you were my sweet melody

My love, you'd be in every single one

Saturday, October 16, 2010

Taking sad songs. Making them better...

Okay, it has been a long time since I've updated my blog... Truth is I have so much happening in my life right now... And ironically, I have nothing I want to type.

I've reached a point in my life where everything feels just right. 'Almost Perfect'.

Most of our live we've all been listening to those cliche songs about going 'Home'. Going 'Somewhere I Belong'. How 'I Will Always Return'... Yea, even I have a song which I've written on a similar topic, but I'm never gonna use it. This topic is a bit too over used...

Yea so my point is, I feel this is where I belong and this is where I'm meant to be... But then something comes up and suddenly opens a new door. Funny thing is, there are two doors wide open for me, and I'm standing in the corridor. One door, is my life right now. I can see right through it. I can see everyones faces, I can see myself. I can see myself having the time of my life.

But there's another door. There's a bright incandescent light shining from it. I can't see what's on the other side. But I know for a fact that the grass there is going to be very, very green.

Or is it?
I dont know...

See my point?
I usually get this feeling when I'm in such a situation...


I mean seriously... Where?

All I can do right now is sing Alanis Morisettes 'Ironic'

Well life has a funny way of sneaking up on you, when you think everything's okay and everything's going right.

And life has a funny way of helping you out when you think everything's gone wrong and everything blows up in your face...

[I'd recommend this song to you if you haven't heard it yet. Read the lyrics along with the song.]

Lets see which door end up taking...

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Time to Sleep

It's 2 am... I'm afraid if I sleep now, I won't wake up in the morning. If I sleep even later, I won't even wake up at noon.
There's so little one can do after mid-night if one's locked inside his or her house... I'm not locked, I can go down for a walk if I wanted to. But the damn rains won't let me >.<

I remember when I went to Carter Road at 4am and took a nice, long, refreshing walk. I can't wait till the monsoon season ends. Everything will be so green and cool. Ah the Mumbai winters are beautiful too! Just the right amount of chill in the breeze.

And my terrace! Winter nights on my terrace is almost divine. Sitting on top on the swing staring at absolutely nothing sipping on some hot tea and occasionally playing the acoustic guitar.
Its amazing how the simplest of chords can bring out the most peaceful vibes.
A 'G major' to a 'C major' up to a 'D major' and to an 'E minor' and an occasional 'A major' to add some flavour... What heaven.

To add to the positive energies of the night, imagine a close friend sitting next to you. Going on and on discussing any topic that comes up. Wow. I can feel it right now.
Such nights are very rare, and we need to seize it.

I wonder if anyone will ever read this post.
This blog will continue to exist even after I'm long dead... Maybe, just maybe, my great grand son will stumble upon this blog someday and read it. Hmm you never know...

Zephan just got me out of my reverie... Wow his barks are loud! And if Zephan barks, Lucy HAS to butt in. Silly girl. But she's the cutest thing I've ever seen. One has to see her to believe me.

Anyway, I guess I'll go to bed now. I'm still not sleepy though.
Should I work on my Sociology essay?
Nah, my brain's too dead for that...
So then what?
Well yeah sure, but I've been listening to it all day.
Can't play the guitar or piano either, Mummy and Daddy will wake up.
We don't want that now do we?
No, we don't.
Just because I have a holiday doesn't mean i should stay up so late. I need to wake up!
Well yeah, but I don't think I'll fall asleep before 3 anyway even if I rest my head on the pillow.
But what if Lucy and Zephan come up and cuddle next to me?
Yeah that's the life.
But they're dirty. And beginning to smell funny thanks to the rain. Can't even give them a bath. They won't dry fast enough in this weather...

Okay... I'm going to put an image down just so that this post isn't a waste of time for the reader.
The image is nothing related to the post... I just feel like putting it here because it is so awesome.

Monday, August 23, 2010

Songs and Memories

You, I fear
We're in this together
Expressing so completely
The inexpressible

Barefoot in the rain we dance
Hiding our tears
Cold like the winds we feel entranced
Losing our fears

We, I can hear
Echoes of hushed whispers
With starlit symphonies
Surrounding me

Even with a heavy heart
Have I forgotten how to cry?
I feel no mist in my eyes
It all just ends in a sigh

Barefoot in the rain we dance
Hiding our tears
Cold like the winds we feel entranced
Losing our fears

We'll open up our minds
And become larger, larger than life.
Larger, larger than life.
Larger, lager than life.

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Confused enough to shut me up

I have SO MANY things on my mind right now... And most of them are slowly dragging me down.
I knew BMM would be time consuming, but this is insane! SO many projects, so little time.
What's worse?
This is only the beginning...

A few days back we performed in this restobar in R-City mall called Rainforest. Really good experience. We even got a contract because they liked us so much!
But we couldn't accept because of certain reasons which i'm too lazy to type about right now.

Why am I blogging when i should be completing one of the 4 1500 word essays for sociology?
The topics our teacher has given are interesting, but im just NOT able to get myself to start writing >.<

I signed up for the talent hunt for college. I got selected. But now, since im the only pianist/keyboardist in college who has come for the audition, I need to learn several other songs for my peers who need an accompanist. I couldn't say no. I mean, I really don't want to fall in to the category of being selfish or whatever... I dont know, I'm confused.

I have an audition tomorrow at 'Out of the Blue' near Carter Road. I want to get selected, but i dont think i'll be able to 'commit' to going there and playing every week for 1 and a half hours. I have LOADS of other work to do, and i am in no rush of earning my own money. I mean, there is a certain 'high' youget when you receive hard earned money, but I need to get my grades right first :P

Okay so next week are my 12th results. This will decide whether i continue in college or not. I'm confident i will though.

I can't believe I'M stressed out. ME. I don't think I've ever been this stressed out.
But its only a matter of time. Once my results are out, all will get decided on its own.

Nam Myoho Renge Kyo

Saturday, May 22, 2010

The Day's Final Breath

A lady comes at eventide,
On clouds through the countryside.
You cannot stop her, no one has tried.
Her name is night, the day has died.

She is the nocturnal shadow tide.
Her veil behind her souring, glides.
It spreads the night into the skies.
With the stars in sight, the day has died.

In pure silence she swiftly strides.
Across the moonlit forest floor she flies.
You cannot stop her, no one has tried.
Her name is night, the day has died.

Wednesday, May 5, 2010


I don't cry during those emotional scenes in movies. Never have... But there is this one movie, that got me on the verge of crying.

Forrest Gump.

I saw the movie yesterday after about six or seven years. I'm pretty sure I hadn't understood the movie then as much as I did now. But needless to say, I had absolutely loved the movie even then.

The final scene of the movie, when Forrest is talking to Jenny (who is, you know, six feet underground) is when I couldn't believe how emotional I was getting... The fact that a scene in a movie was just about to make me cry, made me laugh really loud...
I couldn't believe how beautifully executed that one scene was (so was the movie, but I'm talking about the scene here...)
Damn! The way he cries in it! YIKES!

If there is someone out there who's reading this and hasn't seen this movie... I honestly pity you. This movie is a masterpiece... And Tom Hanks is a true artist.

Saturday, May 1, 2010

Blame Canada

What is going on?
Only time can answer that question... (Or God... But what are the chances of that happening :P)

For the past two years, I've been confused whether I'm going to go study in Canada or not. There have been two such times where i was 99% sure that I was going. Then a week after that, well, I don't want to talk about it...

For the past 6 or 7 months, I was 100% sure that I am not going.
In fact just up until last week I was certain I'm not going. Then my Dad came and said our Canada Migration Visa is working out and that I should go study in Canada.


My mom does NOT want me to go to Canada for various reasons.

I'm somewhere in between. A little part of me wants to go study there, but there is a part of me that wants to stay... Again, for various reasons...

Looks like only time will tell whether it is in my 'destiny' to go to Canada or not...

Thursday, April 29, 2010

The Universe and its Conspiracies...

It's amazing how one thing leads to another... Never underestimate the power of destiny, you never know when a bad experience can turn into something beautiful...

For example... I sort of cut my hand while... well... juggling with knives, but that's not the point... The point is, I was trying to cook when no one was home to give me dinner, and I really didn't feel like cooking.
The next day I burnt my finger while making tea. Yes, the kitchen hates me. So... this was a very bad experience. But what happened next? Since no one was home again, these injuries 'allowed' me to order from outside. And what did I order?


So. Like I said... You never know when a bad experience can turn into something beautiful.
True Story.


Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Butter Chicken.Butter Chicken.Butter Chicken.

Butter Chicken.
Butter Chicken.
Butter Chicken.
Butter Chicken.
Butter Chicken.

Holy crap I love Butter Chicken SOO MUCH!

Butter Chicken.
Butter Chicken.
Butter Chicken.
Butter Chicken.
Butter Chicken.

I'm eating Butter Chicken tonight :D :D :D :D

Thursday, April 22, 2010

I don't let schooling come in the way of my education. -Mark Twaine

It didn't take me much time to understand this statement, but when I did, I was happy to know even a person like Mark Twaine felt the same way I did. Quite a genius of a line that is too!
The schooling system is indeed a very poorly thought out system. I'm only talking about India, I really can't comment on the schools and their systems in other countries... Even though I'm doing an international curriculum, I know our lovely 'School' has changed the original British system in several ways to suit themselves. No concern about the students.

Only school can turn a hobby and passion into something stressful,torturous and something I call 'work'.
I honestly couldn't believe it when I told a friend I was working when they asked me what I was doing. I was painting. >.<
My subconscious mind works in strange ways. It's usually my subconscious mind that tells me what is right, and tells me what I should do ... Unfortunately, it's usually correct.
It was this time too... After I told him I was working, I started to think about what I just blurted out.
Now, after seeing what school has done with me when it came to painting, I'm extremely thankful that my school didn't offer Music as a subject. Imagine that :|

Anyway, I have to go back to work >.<
Yes, it is art I have to go back to...

Saturday, April 17, 2010


I love sports. I love every sport there is... I may not be saying it, but that's just because I'm not good at sports. Although I wish I was. I don't know why but it's a birth problem :P
There is however one sport in particular I absolutely love. Basketball. I started playing it in the fourth grade, when I was living in Naperville. My friend Blexendi (i love his name! he was from Haiti). well he introduced me to basketball, and since then, i've loved it.
Then I came back to India. I still continued to play. I got really good! in the 7th grade I got into my school team for DPS Pune. And I, was awesome.
8th grade, Podar. Smoothly got into the school team. It's a different thing we didn't have any matches -_-

9th grade. Nothing. And Podar, didn't even encourage sports as much as my previous schools... I lost practice. I lost stamina.
Then i decided to join basketball coaching. It's a different thing I never did... Too lazy I guess. But hey, it's the thought that matter right?
I really wish just thinking about gaining height, weight and stamina made me gain height, weight and stamina.
But if that was the matter, then everybody would be fit... Not that it's a wrong thing, but, well... I don't know :P

I'm in the 12th. I've played basketball only six or seven times in the past three years. I've forgotten everything. I went for coaching today. Yes, I did it! I joined coaching :D
My coach is awesome too!

There are, in the few years i've been playing basketball, many different kinds of players.
Let me introduce you to a few. [I don't mean to insult anyone. All these names I've given them are just my opinion, they may all be really good players!]

The Stiffs.
The name really says it all. These guys don't move. They just stand there, straight, like trees. And when they get the ball, they pass it immediately. A few steps ahead maybe, but that's all. Stiffs are usually BIG built, and no one really wants to mess with them. There shooting style is unique. They shoot like one throws a ball in football when the ball goes out.
It may look stupid, but hey, it does go in at times!

The Wobblers
The most annoying, when you're playing against them; the most fun to watch, when you're an audience. These guys are WEIRD.
They come in all shapes and sizes. They may be really good players, but yikes.
They run around the full court throwing there hands and legs around. They're extremely unpredictable. Don't stand next to them, they might just slap you, really really hard.

The Solo Flyers
In other words, the bastards. Usually the ones who go solo, are the ones who are really good at the game, and want to prove it to the world. They take the ball from one side of the court to the other, showing off all their skills by dribbling and tackling everyone who comes in their way and eventually go for the shot. The shot may go in or may not go in, but that's another story. No body likes the people who fall into this category. Even those who play solo hate other players who play solo.

The Easy-Goers.
I'd like to consider myself as an easy goer. I know I am.
People in this category play the game smoothly and try their best not to hurt anybody in the process. They shoot when they can, they take the tackle and dribble whenever they can. They make sure they can. Easy goers make it a point to pass it to an open team player when they're getting blocked. Unlike the 'Solo Artists'.

The Cowards
Usually the beginners. These guys are afraid of the ball, the opponent team, the referee, the hoop, their own team players, themselves, THE WOBBLERS, the tree the substitute players are sitting under, the birds flying overhead, their shoe laces... okay I'm getting carried away.
But you get my point :P
However, some of these cowards don't want others to know they're afraid. So they run around the court back and forth throughout the game, they obviously make sure they don't get the ball.
Cowards are fun to watch too! :P

There are more kinds, but I don't feel like typing anymore. Next time you go watch a basketball match, you'll find such people, I guarantee! XD

Friday, April 16, 2010

Beautiful Together/ Man and Mother

We were so beautiful together
Where did it go?
Follow the signs, the lines
All meant for you

Watch your step, your head
You've got a long way to go
Watch your words, your gods
You don't want them killing you

Will I too be crucified
When I try to prove my point?
A reason that I've justified
But there's always an argument

We were so beautiful together
Where did it go?

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

A little more writing. A little more of wanting to be flying.

I was told by a friend that I should write more posts like 'I forgot i have a blog' and 'moonlight is bleeding from out of your soul'
its true... i should... a blog with only poems and lyrics can get boring... after all my blog is called 'Thoughts and Rhymes' not just 'Rhymes'
although, 'Thoughts' are part of my rhymes and the 'Rhymes' are part of my thoughts

*momentary silence due to confusion of thoughts*

now unfortunately in dont know what to write.

do we have time?
you're reading my blog :| you, clearly, have time... get out. do something. anything... stop sitting in front of the computer screen! (i'm talking to myself)

I'm listening to Eddie Vedder... the guys got a voice like a lion! unlike mine... mines not like a lion.

i want to get out of the city life... right now... take my guitar and walk to somewhere closer to nature
imagine playing the guitar on a kayak on the back waters of Kerala! Wow

I've got a mind full of questions and a teacher in my soul, so it is...
I knew all the rules but the rules did not know me, guaranteed...

Imagine being known as an Explorer! I mean seriously, doesn't it sound better when you call yourself as an Explorer instead of 'Engineer'
Our people and their beliefs are strange...

Society, you're a crazy breed
When you want more than you have, you think you need...
And when you think more then you want, your thoughts begin to bleed.
Society, crazy indeed

Zephan + Sundae = I Love My Life :D :D :D :D

okay i have to go back to 'Thinking Skills'

Monday, April 12, 2010

Dwarf Trees

In between the dwarf trees I lie
I make shapes of clouds
As hundreds pass me by

In between the dwarf trees I lie
I watch the sun going away
And how it redesigns the sky

What a perfect way to spend my day
What a perfect day to be all alone
And the seagulls fly away, fly away
Let the dogs be sleeping on the stone

On the rocky steps I lie
I notice how the ocean
and the sky harmonize

Under purple silk I lie
I laugh at what I hear
The waves, they sound so clear

What a perfect way to spend my day
What a perfect day to be all alone
And the seagulls fly away, fly away
Let the dogs be sleeping on the stone

In the end, I feel good to know
That it was the ocean I kissed
It makes me feel good to believe
that I too, will be missed

Saturday, March 27, 2010

In Between Somewhere...

There are those who cry

There are those who fly

And in between somewhere

I am…

There are the innocent

There are the grievant

And in between somewhere

I am…

There are the unfortunate

There are the prophets

And in between somewhere

I am…

Nowhere to bee seen

I'm far from the scene

Somewhere in between

You'll find me way away from the din

There are the giants

There are the peasants

And in between somewhere

I am…

There are the atheists

There are the surest

And in between somewhere

I am...

There are the addicted

There are the lauded

And in between somewhere

I am…

Little do we know

How we come and where we go

Somewhere amidst the glow

You'll find me there, guiding you through

Nowhere to bee seen

I'm far from the scene

Somewhere in between

You'll find me way away from the din

Wednesday, March 24, 2010


And so they try and drop a line
It's them out here acting all divine
I didn't say a word until they forced my mind

It's all a lie
It's all been staged
And I realized that
The hardest way

You can either, sit or lie there
Blow and burst bubbles, or get away from here
Watch her dance, to the sound that doesn't exist

It's all a lie
It's all been staged
And I realized that
The hardest way

Must watch my steps, got to walk this time
On my own, now that I've started to learn
With opening eyes, how to raise my voice

It's all so fake
A community a cult
No piece of cake
For me to handle

So I can either
Sit or lie here
So uncomfortable
Or get away from here

Since it's all a stage
I'll take the lead
Make my mark and
Leave it for the rest to see

Saturday, March 20, 2010

Ode to Mad Man

Good night young one
You don't need to cry
Tomorrow the sun
Will be on the other side

Life is unfair
For you my little one
You are something rare
Hence I point the gun

I sense fear
You are free to cry
Go wild my dear
Just before you die
Your face is an open book
I can see right through your eyes

Perhaps you are unaware
Or insignificant
Like this single strand of hair

But I know we both here share
It's just that you didn't
Listen to mom who told you not to go there

I sense fear
You are free to cry
Go wild my dear
Just before you die
Your face is an open book
I can see right through your eyes

Put you to your final sleep
With a voice so sweet
So smooth, decpetive and shy
In a mad man's lullaby


My thoughts are deep

But my actions are slow

I am not asleep

Rather, in a trance of lucid flow

I want to get out of here

Just free the night

I'm now counting stars

There's hardly two in sight

The city is half awake

And the signals blink red

This is when I can relate

When you'd rather be in bed

The ocean here is quiet

And the moonlight is bright

I'm not alone, never can be

There are voices all around me

It's been a while now

My body's growing numb

I'd better be walking home now

And see what I've become

The music grew louder

As the sun started to rise

A chill surrounded me

What a feeling, what a sight

It's funny how one of my worst nights

Turned out to be one of the best

My eyes finally closed after dawn

It all seems like a dream now, as I reminisce

Saturday, February 13, 2010


Okay... I have nothing to write. So I'm writing nothing. The title has got nothing to do with what I'm writing, which is nothing. The title is just to attract the reader. And it's clearly not working.
I admit... As a child, I always had this thing for Batman. I still do. Which is why I love Christian Bale (not in that way -_-) And it's only after his Batman movies that I've started watching more of him.
How did we reach here?
Gah. I'm going to bed.

Monday, February 8, 2010

Moonlight is bleeding, from out of your soul

There are only a few songs in this world which are so beautiful, that the more you listen to them, the more you fall in love with them. A few songs actually give me goosebumps.

I'm going to begin with the first such song that I heard. Yeah believe it or not, it's Kal Ho Na Ho. Sonu Nigam's best song in my opinion... The song makes me more emotional than when Shah Rukh is about to die in the movie. I really don't get emotional at all in such scenes anyway... But my mother and sister started to cry when he was dying :P

Then I heard Stairway to Heaven... I honestly needn't say more. I heard that song for the first time in the ninth grade. It's been 4 years, the song just keeps getting better and better.

November Rain. Blew my mind. One of Axl Rose's greatest compositions and Slash's GREATEST guitar solo! I gained respect for Slash after i heard this song... 'So never mind the darkness, we still can find a way... Nothing lasts forever, even cold November rain' Gives my the butterflies this song... One very interesting fact about this song is that the lyrics begin very sad, but slowly transforms into something very happy... But the music video of it, however badly made, begins happy and ends sad. I really like this concept...

Anyway, now to the next. This song is loved by practically EVERYONE who hears it. One of Poets of the Fall's best- Carnival of Rust... I really NEVER could figure out the meaning of this song. But I guess this just adds to its charm. The combination of Ollie's beautiful guitar obsinati and Marko's deep, yet soothing voice creates musical perfection...

The next song is also by Guns n Roses. Not many people have heard this song. And most of those who've heard it, hate it :P
The name of the song is Estranged. If you're reading this post and haven't heard this song, give it a shot. Preferably wear headphones and go sit under the moon in a cool, breezy place for the full effect XD

The next song tops them all. It's created a new dimension to music. I was left in awe the first time I heard it. Once the song was over, I sat silently aimlessly staring at the name of the song on my monitor with my mouth open. Then I heard it again. And again. And again. It's only been 4 or 5 months since I heard the song for the first time, but this song is, according to me, the peak at which a song can reach to as of now. It's in a league of its own. Lazarus by Porcupine Tree. 'Follow me down, to the valley below. Moon light is bleeding from out of your soul'. Once again, I have no clue what this song means. But I don't care.

There are a few more- Like Riders on the Storm by The Doors, Hotel California Acoustic Live by The Eagles, Bohemian Rhapsody by Queen and Imagine by John Lennon, but I'm really not in the mood to right about ALL of them :P

I want to make such songs. Songs that take people to a new lands, songs that can make people cry or songs that can inspire people. I will, when the time is right (:

Sunday, February 7, 2010

And it was beautiful...

In the darkness I found myself dreaming
Lost in thought I saw the moonlight streaming
into the silver garden
And it was beautiful...

Illusioned by the sound of laughter
When I awakened I felt it go deeper
it echoed through and through
And it was beautiful...

We danced and we played like little children
Losing ourselves in the nostalgic evening
Crying with joy we ended up sinking
And it was beautiful...

We drew closer, we grew and there she was
amidst the crowd above the clouds
Her aura, her halo, her soul with no bounds
And she was beautiful...

[Thank you guys for the compliments. They mean a lot! (:]

I forgot I have a blog XD

So I have a blog... Now what?
Do I go on complaining about life like a few friends I've got here (:P) or celebrate it using words...
Or maybe i could just type out my daily thoughts, good or bad... Like a diary? Yeah, i guess so... But a diary on the internet. Now THAT is sweeettt! i know I know! I might be the 200 millionth person having an E-Diary... But who cares. :D
Okay I admit. I am not as good a writer as a few people I know. Hell I'm not even close to how good they are... But I'm going to give it a shot, seems like fun!

Okay so i shall begin with what I'm thinking of right now...

I love painting. I love my paintings. I consider all my work my babies. So when I grow up and over a period when I get better and better, I will never ever sell my paintings. No matter how much in need of money I am. Honestly, would you sell your baby? However, if a certain someone really likes a particular painting of mine and wants it, I would be more than happy to give it away to him/her for free. I like to consider it as adoption (:
Three of my babies were murdered a few days back ): My art teacher spilled paint on them by mistake. I guess it was my fault, I should have kept them in the drawer myself instead of asking her if she could do it. But no point crying now, I've got assignments due :|

Wow this is fun! I can go on and on writing :D
But I'm going to stop now... I have to go back to staring outside my window.