Sunday, March 27, 2011

Enough already...

OKAY I get it! I've got a visa for Canada and my PR has worked out. I also get that now universities in Canada would be easier for me to get into and would be way cheaper for me.
I know I'll get tremendous exposure there, especially with what I plan to study [Film].
But is it too wrong to say that I just don't want to go there?
For over a year this topic has been brought up at my place and I'm getting sick of telling my parents that I am extremely happy where I am right now.
Again tonight my parents want to sit with me and look for universities there. I'm so tired of doing the same thing again and again... WHY don't they get that I'm genuinely just not interested.

I do want to go study abroad, but not now. For my post graduation maybe. Right now, where I am, what I'm doing, I'm enjoying myself and I love it here in Mumbai.

Gah. I guess the only way to stop them from bringing up this topic again and again is to just apply to a few places there and see what happens.

Friday, March 25, 2011

My Roots

I can feel it. The pieces of the puzzle seem to fit perfectly. This is where I am supposed to be.
I'm not afraid anymore, think i may have found my place.

At least for now.
