Monday, December 12, 2011


Whether we accept it or not, we all are in the constant process of learning.
Learning to live with ourselves. As Bon Jovi say, 'It takes a while to learn to live in your own skin'.

Before I started recording my voice, I always used to imagine myself having this deep baritone of a voice. You know,  the kind Marko has- the lead singer of Poets of the Fall. (Yes laugh all you want).
This was during my mid-teens, when my voice was still cracking.
I don't know why, I guess I had been listening to and singing to too much POTF and Creed and Audioslave that I always expected my voice to end up like Scott Stapp's too.
I recorded my first song at home when I was 16. Was a slow piano song. While recording it, I was expecting the end result of my voice on the recording to sound nice and heavy.
But obviously, that wasn't so. A shocker.
I thought I had a good voice until I heard it myself.
I thought maybe I didn't sing the notes well enough to make it sound baritone enough. So I recorded the whole song again.
Now because I failed again, I hated my voice even more. I wondered if this would happen to all the vocalists. Hating their own voices. Bleh.
And after that, for some masochistic reason I heard some more Creed and System of a Down trying to imitate the vocalists and envying in a way their voices.
I'm 19 now, going on 20. I've recorded a couple songs now and still hate my voice. I can't bear the sound of it.
I had a whole Jason Mraz phase too, (still kind of do), where I hoped my voice would at least sound like his. But again, not even close. When I tried to compare it, it appears that my voice in slightly deeper than Mraz's but way thinner than Marko's. Somewhere in between.
I also in fact had a point in time where I hoped that I sounded as hypnotic as Sting, or funky like Athony Keidis. Failed pretty badly both ways..
But hey, I'm still in training. My voice is still not ready. And now that I'm coming to slowly accept my voice, I'm beginning to like that fact that I don't sound like anyone I know. It's good to be unique.
But then again, it looks like its going to be a long time till I start liking my voice.

Saturday, July 16, 2011

Thursday, July 14, 2011


'Blog' sounds like the sound someone makes when he/ she vomits.
I've always had a feeling that the person who invented the blog was nauseous. So just to prove to myself that I was correct, I researched it.
I was wrong, as usual. None of my theories have been right so far. But that's just the way it is I guess.
It doesn't stop me from making new ones though. And frankly, I like mine better.

No really.

The actual reason why it's called a 'Blog' is because its a short form to 'Web Log'.



My vomit theory works better.

I wonder why I haven't updated my blog in so long. I always feel as if I need to have a topic or a reason to write a blog post. But that's just stupid.
Honestly I don't understand why I still feel this way. Over the past year that I've had this blog, practically all my posts have been pointless and more or less irrelevant to anything that has got to do with nothing.

Today there were blasts in Mumbai. Again.
But what I love about Mumbai is that even though we may get a little panicky while the attacks are taking place, within hours of its ending Mumbai is back on its feet. This horse of a city never tires. I just wish it had a fewer people. :P

I want to start using less emoticons. I want to learn how to bring out my emotions with my words rather than symbols. That'll only come with practice I guess.


Lol it sounds like Apple's new Stock Market prediction application

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Two Left Feet

You're here finally
And finally we're crazy
The music is inside us
And the party is free

I can't dance for nuts
But I'm nuts for you
So I'll make myself a fool
'Cause I'm a fool for you

So I'll dance
With my two left feet
Till my feet start to ache
With my two left feet
Till the night begins to break

Everyone's enjoying the night
We've all got our worlds
And mine's here with you
'Cause tonight I want to dance with you

With my two left feet
I wanna dance with you all night
With my two left feet
I wanna dance in the twilight

I wonder what I'll do when the night arrives
Should I take lessons to learn how to jive
Do I worry too much? I Think I'll take a dive
Into the music and just go with the flow I'm so alive

Cause I just la la la la
Love to da da da da
Dance with you
With my two left feet
I wanna dance with you all night
With my two left feet
I wanna dance in the twilight

With my two left feet
Till my soul sets me free
With my two left feet
Till it's just you and me

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Enough already...

OKAY I get it! I've got a visa for Canada and my PR has worked out. I also get that now universities in Canada would be easier for me to get into and would be way cheaper for me.
I know I'll get tremendous exposure there, especially with what I plan to study [Film].
But is it too wrong to say that I just don't want to go there?
For over a year this topic has been brought up at my place and I'm getting sick of telling my parents that I am extremely happy where I am right now.
Again tonight my parents want to sit with me and look for universities there. I'm so tired of doing the same thing again and again... WHY don't they get that I'm genuinely just not interested.

I do want to go study abroad, but not now. For my post graduation maybe. Right now, where I am, what I'm doing, I'm enjoying myself and I love it here in Mumbai.

Gah. I guess the only way to stop them from bringing up this topic again and again is to just apply to a few places there and see what happens.

Friday, March 25, 2011

My Roots

I can feel it. The pieces of the puzzle seem to fit perfectly. This is where I am supposed to be.
I'm not afraid anymore, think i may have found my place.

At least for now.


Monday, January 31, 2011

Laa Dee Daa (:

You know how people say, 'When everything seems to be coming your way, you're in the wrong direction.'
Well I'm hoping there can be exceptions to that statement.
It seems, as of right now, everything in my life is 'just perfect'! You know, like how you just don't want things to change.
I have the perfect college. The perfect course. The perfect friends. The more than perfect girlfriend. And as of today, the best bedroom ever!
And to think, I'm not even in the 'wrong direction'... I know what I want to do in life. And I'm working on that. I'm working hard in college. I'm performing in a few places now and then. I'm painting. I'm helping my mother with her business. I'm going to the gym regularly. And I'm taking care of my three babies.

I guess I really am probably the luckiest boy in the world!

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Leave. But don't ever leave me.

I've been checking my own blog for the past few days hoping that it would automatically update itself with all my thoughts... But it doesn't work that way.
So much has happened since the last time I updated this blog. I don't remember half the things. But those things clearly didn't matter.
Before I begin... Happy New year! :D :P

I have a girlfriend now :D
The most beautiful girl in the world. And she's made me the worlds luckiest boy. 
My little one (:
It's gonna be tough being without her for these few months ):
But we'll get through it. We're awesome that way.
I love you :D :D

My bedroom's been under renovation for the past two months... Might take a week more to get ready. It's coming out really good! Can't wait! :D

BMM's still fun! Our festival is coming out in two weeks. Really looking forward to it!

I started going to the gym again. I have an incentive this time ;)
I miss you Sashawasha ):

108 days (: