Wednesday, November 27, 2013

The Left Turn

Waiting at a traffic signal, I saw two cars right in front of me. Both had their left indicator on. The cars were of a different make and had their indicators turned on with a slight delay between the two.

The result?
A haphazard and random blinking of lights.

Each car's indicator blinked in constant rhythm individually. However with the two lights placed next to each other, it created forever changing rhythm. Something if represented in sound would be considered as noise.

But then I noticed something as I continued to stare at them- the two lights, though blinking in their own time, at one point (and for a very brief moment) appeared as though they were blinking together.
It was as if the two met for a while at a point and then went their own way.

I just found that so beautiful.
I mean, even amidst the chaos the two found a common ground. Even if it was for the briefest moment.

Aren't we the same?
We each blink to our own rhythm as we go along. But then somewhere along the way we meet someone with whom our rhythm perfectly synchronizes.
With some people it syncs for a long time and with some people for a short time.

It's all just so beautiful.

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

1. Love it till you hate it.

2. Remind yourself why you loved it.

3. Repeat steps 1 and 2.