Thursday, November 4, 2010

" I'll be there for you " ?

You get to know who your close friends are, when you change your birthdate.

I realised one fine day that I have 558 friends on Facebook.
Now where on Earth did I find 558 friends?
So I wanted to clear this mess out.
I needed a way to get myself to know who I can remove from my friend list.
Funny thing is, I only add people or accept requests from people if I've met them. At least once.

So the best way to filter these people out in my opinion was to change my birthdate.

4th of November

All those who wish me. Will be removed.
Excusing a few of course. Like those I've just met within the span of 5 to 6 months... And those who I know won't remember my birthday 'cause they keep forgetting, or I never told them. :P

So out of the I don't know how many people who wished me, I removed 40.
Yayy success! :D

Ohh and it made me so happy when those handful of people remembered my birthday :D

Man I love you all :D

Wow I'm actually going to start celebrating this day from now on... As 'Not a friendships day'.
or something... :/

Oh I also found out something kickass!
If your wall is ever feeling bored and empty. And you feel no one loves you or you feel that no one remembers who you are, JUST CHANGE YOUR BIRTHDAY TO THE NEXT DAY :D
And *POOF*. Your walls the most happening thing on Facebook :D

Oh! And it rained today.
And I made sure I heard November Rain while it was raining outside.

I'm awesome.


  1. Awesome, you are! It was actually a really smart thing to do! The November Rain was really nice. :)

    P.S- I love you, brother from another mother! :D
