Thursday, September 6, 2012

From the Inside

I heard Linkin Park's Meteora album after over 7 years today. And no matter what other people say, I've got to admit that I still absolutely love this album.

I bought this album back in the 6th grade. It was my first official Rock Album and I was in love with it. The music, the beats, the composition, the vocals. Everything, apart from the lyrics, were perfect. I never hated the lyrics, I just could never relate to them. But however emo the lyrics may have been, they were still written very poetically.
Most people considered and still consider this album to be very immature. And listening to it makes you  immature automatically. They say their music is the kind that only 12 year old angst girls listen to.
But I don't care what people say, I love this album and still consider it their best even after all these years.

Now I'm not writing this post to critique this album. I'm writing this because listening and enjoying this album all over again, it sparked a thought in my tiny head...

Do I only still love this album because I heard it as a child? I was 11.
I truly believe peoples' taste in music evolves as they grow older, but I'm 20 now and I still love it.

This just got me to think about the children of this current generation. The one's listening to absolute rubbish composed by sell out, talentless, autotuned artists. I don't wish to take their names because it will start an argument, which is not the purpose of this write up. But ti those smart enough, they'll know who I'm talking about.

It's just scary to think about what popular music will be like in another decade. All I want to say is that we need to be careful to what we listen to when we're  kids, because no matter what happens, we will always love the music. It's stuck with us for the rest of our lives. I know even when I'm 50, I will love Meteora.
So choose music wisely, you don't want to regret listening to it later. Because looking at the current music scene, the possibility of you regretting loving the music you listen to right now is very high. 

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